Image for Jane Watts

Jane Watts

Jane Watts born Jane Waldie (1793–1826) was a British artist and author born to a Scottish and Northumbrian family.

Popular Songs

God Save the Queen (Arr. D. Willcocks for Choir & Brass Ensemble)
God Save the Queen (Arr. D. Willcocks for Choir & Brass Ensemble)
Anonymous, Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Sir David Willcocks, Choir of Clare College, Cambridge, The Bach Choir, Cambridge University Musical Society, Ben-San Lau, Jane Watts, Peter Stevens, Sir Stephen Cleobury, Royal College of Music Brass Ensemble
Sing! (After Widor's Organ Symphony, Op. 42: V. Toccata) [Version for Choir, Organ & Brass Ensemble]
Sing! (After Widor's Organ Symphony, Op. 42: V. Toccata) [Version for Choir, Organ & Brass Ensemble]
Sir David Willcocks, Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Choir of Clare College, Cambridge, The Bach Choir, Cambridge University Musical Society, Ben-San Lau, Jane Watts, Peter Stevens, Sir Stephen Cleobury, Royal College of Music Brass Ensemble
Concert Variations on "The Star-Spangled Banner", Op. 23
Concert Variations on "The Star-Spangled Banner", Op. 23
Dudley Buck, Jane Watts
Sir David Willcocks, Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Choir of Clare College, Cambridge, The Bach Choir, Cambridge University Musical Society, Ben-San Lau, Jane Watts, Peter Stevens, Sir Stephen Cleobury
A Ceremony of Psalms (Arr. for Choir, Organ & Brass Ensemble): I. Psalm 98 "O Sing unto the Lord a New Song"
A Ceremony of Psalms (Arr. for Choir, Organ & Brass Ensemble): I. Psalm 98 "O Sing unto the Lord a New Song"
Sir David Willcocks, Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Choir of Clare College, Cambridge, The Bach Choir, Cambridge University Musical Society, Ben-San Lau, Jane Watts, Peter Stevens, Sir Stephen Cleobury, Royal College of Music Brass Ensemble
