Steven Griffin

    Popular Songs

    Jesus refulsit omnium
    Jesus refulsit omnium
    Steven Griffin, The Choir of Magdalen College, Oxford, Mark Williams
    Haddon Hall: Act III, Finale: Ensemble: Hark! The cannon! (Company)
    Haddon Hall: Act III, Finale: Ensemble: Hark! The cannon! (Company)
    Arthur Sullivan, Steven Griffin, Peter Thomson, Alan Borthwick, Ian Lawson, Maxwell Smart, Ross Main, Harry Payne, Roland York, David Faulds, Mary Timmons, Heather Boyd, Fiona Main, Pat McKerrow, Caroline Kerr, Liz Landsman, Prince Consort Chorus, Prince Consort Orchestra, David Lyle
    Haddon Hall: Act III: Song: Hech, mon! Hech, mon! It gars me greet (McCrankie, Chorus)
    Haddon Hall: Act III: Song: Hech, mon! Hech, mon! It gars me greet (McCrankie, Chorus)
    Arthur Sullivan, Steven Griffin, Peter Thomson, Alan Borthwick, Ian Lawson, Maxwell Smart, Ross Main, Harry Payne, Roland York, David Faulds, Mary Timmons, Heather Boyd, Fiona Main, Pat McKerrow, Caroline Kerr, Liz Landsman, Prince Consort Chorus, Prince Consort Orchestra, David Lyle
    Haddon Hall: Act III: Song: We have thought the matter out (Dorcas, Rupert, Puritans)
    Haddon Hall: Act III: Song: We have thought the matter out (Dorcas, Rupert, Puritans)
    Arthur Sullivan, Steven Griffin, Peter Thomson, Alan Borthwick, Ian Lawson, Maxwell Smart, Ross Main, Harry Payne, Roland York, David Faulds, Mary Timmons, Heather Boyd, Fiona Main, Pat McKerrow, Caroline Kerr, Liz Landsman, Prince Consort Chorus, Prince Consort Orchestra, David Lyle
    Haddon Hall: Act III: Ensemble: Good General Monk (Oswald, Company)
    Haddon Hall: Act III: Ensemble: Good General Monk (Oswald, Company)
    Arthur Sullivan, Steven Griffin, Peter Thomson, Alan Borthwick, Ian Lawson, Maxwell Smart, Ross Main, Harry Payne, Roland York, David Faulds, Mary Timmons, Heather Boyd, Fiona Main, Pat McKerrow, Caroline Kerr, Liz Landsman, Prince Consort Chorus, Prince Consort Orchestra, David Lyle