Arion Ensemble

    Popular Songs

    Suite Burlesque in G Major from "Don Quixote and the wedding of Comacho", TWV 55:G10: VIII. Don Quixote goes to Bed
    Suite Burlesque in G Major from "Don Quixote and the wedding of Comacho", TWV 55:G10: VIII. Don Quixote goes to Bed
    Georg Philipp Telemann, Arion Ensemble, Alexandru Lascae
    Suite Burlesque in G Major from "Don Quixote and the wedding of Comacho", TWV 55: G10: I. Overture
    Suite Burlesque in G Major from "Don Quixote and the wedding of Comacho", TWV 55: G10: I. Overture
    Georg Philipp Telemann, Alexandru Lascae, Arion Ensemble