Vladimir Bakaleinikoff

    Popular Songs

    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Death of Don Quixote - Finale
    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Death of Don Quixote - Finale
    Richard Strauss, Fritz Reiner, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Gregor Piatigorsky, Vladimir Bakaleinikoff, Henri Temianka
    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Defeat of Don Quixote by the Knight of the White Moon - Variation X
    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Defeat of Don Quixote by the Knight of the White Moon - Variation X
    Richard Strauss, Fritz Reiner, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Gregor Piatigorsky, Vladimir Bakaleinikoff, Henri Temianka
    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Combat with the Two Magicians - Variation IX
    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Combat with the Two Magicians - Variation IX
    Richard Strauss, Fritz Reiner, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Gregor Piatigorsky, Vladimir Bakaleinikoff, Henri Temianka
    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Adventure of the Enchanted Boat - Variation VIII
    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Adventure of the Enchanted Boat - Variation VIII
    Richard Strauss, Fritz Reiner, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Gregor Piatigorsky, Vladimir Bakaleinikoff, Henri Temianka
    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Ride Through the Air - Variation VII
    Don Quixote, Op. 35: The Ride Through the Air - Variation VII
    Richard Strauss, Fritz Reiner, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Gregor Piatigorsky, Vladimir Bakaleinikoff, Henri Temianka