Douglas Kinney Frost

    Popular Songs

    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Opening
    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Opening
    David Lang, The Harlem String Quartet, Douglas Kinney Frost
    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Scene [belladonna]: The first telling (Mrs. Williamson, Virginia, Chorus, Boy Sam)
    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Scene [belladonna]: The first telling (Mrs. Williamson, Virginia, Chorus, Boy Sam)
    David Lang, Beverly O'Regan Thiele, Laquita Mitchell, Mari-Yan Pringle, Nicole Mitchell, Martin Bakari, Jorell Williams, Brandon Coleman, Isaiah Robinson, The Harlem String Quartet, Douglas Kinney Frost
    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Scene [foxglove]: The seventh telling (Opening Aria)
    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Scene [foxglove]: The seventh telling (Opening Aria)
    David Lang, Beverly O'Regan Thiele, Melissa White, Douglas Kinney Frost
    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Scene [foxglove]: The seventh telling (Mrs. Williamson, Williamson Girl, Boy Sam, Chorus, Virginia)
    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Scene [foxglove]: The seventh telling (Mrs. Williamson, Williamson Girl, Boy Sam, Chorus, Virginia)
    David Lang, Beverly O'Regan Thiele, Cree Carrico, Isaiah Robinson, Laquita Mitchell, Mari-Yan Pringle, Nicole Mitchell, Martin Bakari, Jorell Williams, Brandon Coleman, The Harlem String Quartet, Douglas Kinney Frost
    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Wordless prayer of thanks
    The Difficulty of Crossing a Field: Wordless prayer of thanks
    David Lang, The Harlem String Quartet, Douglas Kinney Frost