Image for Gwynne Howell

Gwynne Howell

    Popular Songs

    Coronation Ode, Op. 44: III. Britain, Ask of Thyself (Bass, Chorus)
    Coronation Ode, Op. 44: III. Britain, Ask of Thyself (Bass, Chorus)
    Edward Elgar, Sir Alexander Gibson, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Gwynne Howell, Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus, Alexander Gibson
    Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 3: "The Trumpet Shall Sound"
    Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 3: "The Trumpet Shall Sound"
    George Frideric Handel, Gwynne Howell, John Wilbraham, Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Sir Neville Marriner
    Coronation Ode, Op. 44: I. Introduction. Crown the King (Soprano, Contralto, Tenor, Bass, Chorus)
    Coronation Ode, Op. 44: I. Introduction. Crown the King (Soprano, Contralto, Tenor, Bass, Chorus)
    Edward Elgar, Sir Alexander Gibson, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Teresa Cahill, Anne Collins, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Gwynne Howell, Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus, Alexander Gibson
    Un ballo in maschera / Act 1: "Finisci il vaticinio"
    Un ballo in maschera / Act 1: "Finisci il vaticinio"
    Giuseppe Verdi, José Carreras, Patricia Payne, Ingvar Wixell, Robert Lloyd, Jonathan Summers, Sona Ghazarian, Gwynne Howell, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
    Un ballo in maschera / Act 1: "E scherzo od è follia"
    Un ballo in maschera / Act 1: "E scherzo od è follia"
    Giuseppe Verdi, José Carreras, Patricia Payne, Robert Lloyd, Gwynne Howell, Sona Ghazarian, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis