Image for Simon Jeffes

Simon Jeffes

Simon Harry Piers Jeffes (19 February 1949 – 11 December 1997) was an English classically trained guitarist, composer and arranger. He formed, and was the primary performer of, the Penguin Cafe Orchestra. He was the composer of the ballet Still Life at the Penguin Cafe, of the much-recorded piece Mu

Popular Songs

"Still Life" at the Penguin Café - Ballet: 1. Air à danser
"Still Life" at the Penguin Café - Ballet: 1. Air à danser
Simon Jeffes, Isobel Bradshaw, Henry Roche, BBC Concert Orchestra, Barry Wordsworth
Four pieces for orchestra: 1. Perpetuum mobile
Four pieces for orchestra: 1. Perpetuum mobile
Simon Jeffes, BBC Concert Orchestra, Barry Wordsworth
"Still Life" at the Penguin Café - Ballet: 2. Prelude and Yodel
"Still Life" at the Penguin Café - Ballet: 2. Prelude and Yodel
Simon Jeffes, Henry Roche, BBC Concert Orchestra, Barry Wordsworth
Four pieces for orchestra: 4. Music for a found harmonium
Four pieces for orchestra: 4. Music for a found harmonium
Simon Jeffes, BBC Concert Orchestra, Barry Wordsworth
"Still Life" at the Penguin Café - Ballet: 7. Music by Numbers
"Still Life" at the Penguin Café - Ballet: 7. Music by Numbers
Simon Jeffes, Henry Roche, BBC Concert Orchestra, Barry Wordsworth