Image for Rutland Boughton

Rutland Boughton

Rutland Boughton (23 January 1878 – 25 January 1960) was an English composer who became well known in the early 20th century as a composer of opera and choral music. He was also an influential communist activist within the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB).
His oeuvre includes three symph

Popular Songs

Faery Song (from "The Immortal Hour")
Faery Song (from "The Immortal Hour")
Rutland Boughton, Kenneth McKellar, Peter Knight, Orchestra
The Immortal Hour, Act I Scene 2: No. 12, How Beautiful They Are (Spirit Voices)
The Immortal Hour, Act I Scene 2: No. 12, How Beautiful They Are (Spirit Voices)
Rutland Boughton, Alan G. Melville, English Chamber Orchestra, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
The Immortal Hour, Act I Scene 1: No. 21, There Is No Backward Way for Such as I (Eochaidh, Dalua)
The Immortal Hour, Act I Scene 1: No. 21, There Is No Backward Way for Such as I (Eochaidh, Dalua)
Rutland Boughton, Alan G. Melville, English Chamber Orchestra, David Wilson-Johnson, Roderick Kennedy
The Immortal Hour, Act I Scene 1: No. 20. Look, O King … I See a Fountain (Dalua, Eochaidh)
The Immortal Hour, Act I Scene 1: No. 20. Look, O King … I See a Fountain (Dalua, Eochaidh)
Rutland Boughton, Alan G. Melville, David Wilson-Johnson, Valery Hill, Roderick Kennedy, English Chamber Orchestra
The Immortal Hour: How beautiful they are
The Immortal Hour: How beautiful they are
Rutland Boughton, Yvonne Kenny, David Parry, Philharmonia Orchestra
