Image for Hanno Müller-Brachmann

Hanno Müller-Brachmann

    Popular Songs

    La passione di Gesu Cristo: Part I: Recitative: Ingratissimo Pietro (Pietro)
    La passione di Gesu Cristo: Part I: Recitative: Ingratissimo Pietro (Pietro)
    Antonio Salieri, Melba Ramos, Franziska Gottwald, Florian Mock, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Cologne Musicus Choir, Neue Orchester, Christoph Spering
    Symphony No. 8 in E-Flat Major "Symphony of a Thousand", Pt. 1: VIII. Gloria sit Patri Domino
    Symphony No. 8 in E-Flat Major "Symphony of a Thousand", Pt. 1: VIII. Gloria sit Patri Domino
    Gustav Mahler, Twyla Robinson, Erin Wall, Michelle DeYoung, Simone Schroder, Johan Botha, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Robert Holl, Staatskapelle Berlin, Pierre Boulez, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Chor Der Staatsoper Berlin, Aurelius Sangerknaben Calw
    Symphony No. 8 in E-Flat Major "Symphony of a Thousand", Pt. 1: II. Imple superna gratia
    Symphony No. 8 in E-Flat Major "Symphony of a Thousand", Pt. 1: II. Imple superna gratia
    Gustav Mahler, Twyla Robinson, Erin Wall, Michelle DeYoung, Simone Schroder, Johan Botha, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Robert Holl, Staatskapelle Berlin, Pierre Boulez, Chor Der Staatsoper Berlin, Rundfunkchor Berlin
    La passione di Gesu Cristo: Part I: Ouverture
    La passione di Gesu Cristo: Part I: Ouverture
    Antonio Salieri, Melba Ramos, Franziska Gottwald, Florian Mock, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Cologne Musicus Choir, Neue Orchester, Christoph Spering
    The Cunning Little Vixen (Příhody lišky Bystroušky), JW I/9, Act III: Scene VII, Nůšo důle!
    The Cunning Little Vixen (Příhody lišky Bystroušky), JW I/9, Act III: Scene VII, Nůšo důle!
    Leoš Janáček, Sir Simon Rattle, London Symphony Orchestra, Lucy Crowe, Hanno Müller-Brachmann