Image for Alan Opie

Alan Opie

    Popular Songs

    Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op. 30, The Conversion: V. Behold me, my people, and answer and say (Tenor, Bass, Chorus)
    Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op. 30, The Conversion: V. Behold me, my people, and answer and say (Tenor, Bass, Chorus)
    Edward Elgar, Andrew Davis, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Barry Banks, Alan Opie, Bergen Philharmonic Choir, Choir of Collegiûm Mûsicûm, Edvard Grieg Kor, Håkon Matti Skrede
    Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op. 30, Introduction: I. Summon now the God of Thunder (Bass)
    Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op. 30, Introduction: I. Summon now the God of Thunder (Bass)
    Edward Elgar, Andrew Davis, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Alan Opie
    Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op. 30, Introduction: There is a wondrous book (Chorus, Bass, Soprano, Tenor)
    Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op. 30, Introduction: There is a wondrous book (Chorus, Bass, Soprano, Tenor)
    Edward Elgar, Andrew Davis, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Emily Birsan, Barry Banks, Alan Opie, Bergen Philharmonic Choir, Choir of Collegiûm Mûsicûm, Edvard Grieg Kor
    Ernani, Part III: Charlemagne inspire me (Carlo, Silva)
    Ernani, Part III: Charlemagne inspire me (Carlo, Silva)
    Giuseppe Verdi, David Parry, English National Opera Orchestra, Alan Opie, Peter Rose
    Ernani, Part III: What is happening? (Conspirators, Carlo, Riccardo, Ernani, Elvira)
    Ernani, Part III: What is happening? (Conspirators, Carlo, Riccardo, Ernani, Elvira)
    Giuseppe Verdi, David Parry, English National Opera Orchestra, Julian Gavin, Alan Opie, Peter Wedd, Susan Patterson, English National Opera Chorus