Image for Frederick Loewe

Frederick Loewe

Frederick Loewe ( LOH; born Friedrich "Fritz" Löwe, German: [ˈfʁiːdʁɪç fʁɪts ˈløːvə]; June 10, 1901 – February 14, 1988) was an American composer. He collaborated with lyricist Alan Jay Lerner on a series of Broadway musicals, including Brigadoon, Paint Your Wagon, My Fair Lady, and Camelot, all of

Popular Songs

On The Street Where You Live
On The Street Where You Live
Bill Shirley, Frederick Loewe, André Previn, My Fair Lady Original Motion Picture Cast, The Warner Bros. Orchestra
Camelot: If Ever I Would Leave You
Camelot: If Ever I Would Leave You
Robert Goulet, Original Broadway Cast of Camelot, Frederick Loewe, Franz Allers
My Fair Lady: I Could Have Danced All Night
My Fair Lady: I Could Have Danced All Night
Frederick Loewe, Julie Andrews, Betty Woolfe, Original London Cast of My Fair Lady Ensemble, Franz Allers, Cyril Ornadel
Wouldn't It Be Loverly (From 'My Fair Lady')
Wouldn't It Be Loverly (From 'My Fair Lady')
Alan Jay Lerner, Frederick Loewe, Martine McCutcheon, Simon Lee
My Fair Lady: I could have danced all night from My Fair Lady (1995 Digital Remaster) - 1995 Remastered Version
My Fair Lady: I could have danced all night from My Fair Lady (1995 Digital Remaster) - 1995 Remastered Version
Alan Jay Lerner, Frederick Loewe, Anne Rogers/Alyn Ainsworth & His Orchestra
