Frances Yeend
Popular Songs
Symphony No. 8 in E-Flat Major "Symphony of a Thousand": Pt. 2, Final Scene from Faust (Live)
Gustav Mahler, Frances Yeend, Uta Gräf, Camilla Williams, Martha Lipton, Louis Bernhardt, Eugene Conley, Carlos Alexander, George London, Westminster Choir, Schola Cantorium, Public School No. 12 Boys Choir, New York Philharmonic, Leopold Stokowski
Symphony No. 8 in E-Flat Major "Symphony of a Thousand": Pt. 1, Veni, Creator Spiritus (Live)
Gustav Mahler, Frances Yeend, Uta Gräf, Camilla Williams, Martha Lipton, Louis Bernhardt, Eugene Conley, Carlos Alexander, George London, Westminster Choir, Public School No. 12 Boys Choir, New York Philharmonic, Leopold Stokowski
Symphony No. 8 "symphony of a Thousand": Iii. Äußerst langsam - Adagissimo
Gustav Mahler, New York Philharmonic, Westminster Chorus, Public School Manhattan Chorus, Schola Canotorum New York, Leopold Stokowsky, Eugene Conley, Carlos Alexander, George London, Martha Lipton, Camilla Williams, Uta Graf, Frances Yeend
Symphony No. 8 "symphony of a Thousand": Ii. Poco Adagio (Schlußszene aus Faust)
Gustav Mahler, New York Philharmonic, Westminster Chorus, Public School Manhattan Chorus, Schola Canotorum New York, Leopold Stokowsky, Eugene Conley, Carlos Alexander, George London, Martha Lipton, Camilla Williams, Uta Graf, Frances Yeend
Symphony No. 8 "symphony of a Thousand": I. Allegro (Hymnus: Veni, creator spiritus)
Gustav Mahler, New York Philharmonic, Westminster Chorus, Public School Manhattan Chorus, Schola Canotorum New York, Leopold Stokowsky, Eugene Conley, Carlos Alexander, George London, Martha Lipton, Camilla Williams, Uta Graf, Frances Yeend