Image for Hermann Winkler

Hermann Winkler

Hermann Julian Winkler (born 22 April 1963) is a German politician who served as Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Germany from 2009 until 2019. He is a member of the Christian Democratic Union, part of the European People's Party. From 2004 to 2007 he was Cabinet Minister and Head of the

Popular Songs

Lohengrin, Act II: Heil! Heil dem König! (Live)
Lohengrin, Act II: Heil! Heil dem König! (Live)
Richard Wagner, Theo Adam, Aase Nordmo Løvberg, Wolfgang Windgassen, Wilfried Krug, Hermann Winkler, Hans Günter Nöcker, Egmont Koch, Bayreuth Festival Chorus, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra, Lorin Maazel
Lohengrin, Act I: Nun hört! Euch, Volk und Edlen, mach' ich kund (Live)
Lohengrin, Act I: Nun hört! Euch, Volk und Edlen, mach' ich kund (Live)
Richard Wagner, Wolfgang Windgassen, Gustav Neidlinger, Theo Adam, Wilfried Krug, Hermann Winkler, Hans Günter Nöcker, Egmont Koch, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra, Lorin Maazel
Lohengrin, Act I: Hört! Grafen, Edle, Freie von Brabant! (Live)
Lohengrin, Act I: Hört! Grafen, Edle, Freie von Brabant! (Live)
Richard Wagner, Eberhard Wächter, Theo Adam, Wilfried Krug, Hermann Winkler, Hans Günter Nöcker, Egmont Koch, Bayreuth Festival Chorus, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra, Lorin Maazel
Tristan und Isolde: Act III - "Kurwenal! hör!"
Tristan und Isolde: Act III - "Kurwenal! hör!"
Richard Wagner, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Hans Hotter, Hermann Winkler, Egmont Koch, Grace Hoffmann, Fritz Uhl, Arnold van Mill
Tristan und Isolde: Act III - "Kurwenal! He!"
Tristan und Isolde: Act III - "Kurwenal! He!"
Richard Wagner, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Hans Hotter, Hermann Winkler
