Michael Ginn

Popular Songs

Handel: L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Pt. 1: Air and Chorus. "Or let the merry bells" - "And young and old come"
Handel: L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Pt. 1: Air and Chorus. "Or let the merry bells" - "And young and old come"
George Frideric Handel, John Eliot Gardiner, Michael Ginn, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists
The Turn of the Screw, Op. 54 - original version - Act One: Interlude: Variation I - Scene 2: The Welcome
The Turn of the Screw, Op. 54 - original version - Act One: Interlude: Variation I - Scene 2: The Welcome
Benjamin Britten, Michael Ginn, Members of the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Lillian Watson, Helen Donath, Ava June, Sir Colin Davis
The Turn of the Screw, Op. 54 - original version - Act Two: Interlude: Variation XV - Scene 8: Miles
The Turn of the Screw, Op. 54 - original version - Act Two: Interlude: Variation XV - Scene 8: Miles
Benjamin Britten, Helen Donath, Members of the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Ava June, Michael Ginn, Robert Tear, Sir Colin Davis
The Turn of the Screw, Op. 54 - original version - Act Two: Interlude: Variation XI - Scene 4: The Bedroom
The Turn of the Screw, Op. 54 - original version - Act Two: Interlude: Variation XI - Scene 4: The Bedroom
Benjamin Britten, Michael Ginn, Members of the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Helen Donath, Robert Tear, Sir Colin Davis
The Turn of the Screw, Op. 54 - original version - Act Two: Interlude: Variation IX - Scene 2: The Bells
The Turn of the Screw, Op. 54 - original version - Act Two: Interlude: Variation IX - Scene 2: The Bells
Benjamin Britten, Michael Ginn, Members of the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Lillian Watson, Ava June, Helen Donath, Sir Colin Davis