Paolo Lorenzani
Paolo Francesco Lorenzani (5 January 1640 – 28 October 1713) was an Italian composer of the Baroque Era. While living in France, he helped promote appreciation for the Italian style of music.
Lorenzani was born in Rome and was trained by Orazio Benevoli, maestro di cappella for the Cappella Giu
Lorenzani was born in Rome and was trained by Orazio Benevoli, maestro di cappella for the Cappella Giu
Popular Songs
Litanies a la Vierge (Litany of Our Lady)
Paolo Lorenzani, Concert Spirituel Chorus, Hervé Niquet
Litanies a la Vierge (Litany of Our Lady)
Paolo Lorenzani, Le Concert Spirituel, Herve Niquet
Litanies a la Vierge (Litany of Our Lady)
Paolo Lorenzani, Le Concert Spirituel, Herve Niquet
Litanies à quatre voix
Paolo Lorenzani, Choeur de Grenelle, Alix Dumon-Debaecker, Bertrand Dazin, Cécile Dalmon, Damien Rivière, Guillaume Haldenwang, Hélène Richaud, Rodolphe Queruau Lamerie
Paolo Lorenzani : Prélude, Airs italiens pour flûte à bec et continuo
Paolo Lorenzani, Actea19
Laszlo Kovacs, Jeremy Summerly, Juan de Anchieta, Jorg Waschinski, Patrick Peire, Josep Cabre, Jan van der Crabben, Radio Svizzera Choir, Lugano, Various Artists, Helmut Müller-Brühl, Paolo Lorenzani, Robert Jones, Herve Niquet, Pier Giorgio Morandi, Diego Fasolis, Nicholas Ward, Solvieg Agren, Christopher Robinson
Paolo Lorenzani, Joseph-Hector Fiocco, Dirk Snellings, Juan de Anchieta, Gloria Scalchi, Michel Piquemal, Robert Craft, Christopher Robinson, Peter Urquhart, Helmut Müller-Brühl, Various Artists, Laszlo Kovacs, Jeremy Summerly, Radio Svizzera Choir, Lugano, Noel Edison, Solvieg Agren, Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, Jorg Waschinski, Michel Piquemal Vocal Ensemble, Jan van der Crabben, Josep Cabre, Robert Jones, Peter Schubert, Patrick Peire, Herve Niquet, Diego Fasolis, Nicholas Ward