Image for Long Yu

Long Yu

Yu Long (Chinese: 余隆; pinyin: Yú Lóng; born July 1, 1964) is a Chinese conductor. He is currently artistic director and chief conductor of the China Philharmonic and of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, music director of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, and principal guest conductor of the Hong Kon

Popular Songs

Orphee aux enfers (Orpheus in the Underworld): Orpheus in the Underworld: Can-Can (Peter's Friend)
Orphee aux enfers (Orpheus in the Underworld): Orpheus in the Underworld: Can-Can (Peter's Friend)
Jacques Offenbach, Razumovsky Symphony Orchestra, Long Yu
Tambourin chinois, Op. 3 (Arr. for Violin and Orchestra by McAlister)
Tambourin chinois, Op. 3 (Arr. for Violin and Orchestra by McAlister)
Fritz Kreisler, Maxim Vengerov, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Long Yu
Concerto for Piano & Orchestra "The Yellow River": II. Ode to the Yellow River
Concerto for Piano & Orchestra "The Yellow River": II. Ode to the Yellow River
Xian Xinghai, Lang Lang, China Philharmonic Orchestra, Long Yu, Chen Shasha, Wu Yuxia
Concerto for Piano & Orchestra "The Yellow River": II. Ode to the Yellow River
Concerto for Piano & Orchestra "The Yellow River": II. Ode to the Yellow River
Xian Xinghai, Lang Lang, China Philharmonic Orchestra, Long Yu, Chen Shasha, Wu Yuxia
Concerto for Piano & Orchestra "The Yellow River": I. Prelude: The Song of the Yellow River Boatmen
Concerto for Piano & Orchestra "The Yellow River": I. Prelude: The Song of the Yellow River Boatmen
Xian Xinghai, Lang Lang, China Philharmonic Orchestra, Long Yu, Chen Shasha, Wu Yuxia
