Image for Richard Clement

Richard Clement

    Popular Songs

    Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A 25, Pt. 1: No. 15, Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord
    Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A 25, Pt. 1: No. 15, Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord
    Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Shaw, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Henriette Schellenberg, Marietta Simpson, Richard Clement, Thomas Paul, Ann Howard Jones
    Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A 25, Pt. 1: No. 10, As God the Lord of Sabaoth Liveth
    Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A 25, Pt. 1: No. 10, As God the Lord of Sabaoth Liveth
    Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Shaw, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Richard Clement, Thomas Hampson, Ann Howard Jones
    Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A 25, Pt. 1: No. 7a, For He Shall Give His Angels
    Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A 25, Pt. 1: No. 7a, For He Shall Give His Angels
    Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Shaw, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Barbara Bonney, Henriette Schellenberg, Florence Quivar, Marietta Simpson, Jerry Hadley, Richard Clement, Thomas Paul, Tim Gunther, Ann Howard Jones
    Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A 25, Pt. 1: No. 1b, The Deep Affords No Water
    Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A 25, Pt. 1: No. 1b, The Deep Affords No Water
    Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Shaw, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Henriette Schellenberg, Marietta Simpson, Richard Clement, Thomas Paul, Ann Howard Jones
    Cantata of the Bitter Herbs, Op. 65: Psalm 126
    Cantata of the Bitter Herbs, Op. 65: Psalm 126
    Ernst Toch, Richard Clement, Carol Meyer, Prague Philharmonic Chorus, Czech Philharmonic, Gerard Schwarz