Paul Robinson

    Popular Songs

    Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 7. Here, Queen Uncrowned
    Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 7. Here, Queen Uncrowned
    Ralph Vaughan Williams, Sarah Walker, Rebecca Evans, Paul Robinson, Neil Jenkins, Matthew Best, Corydon Singers, Corydon Orchestra, Bonaventura Bottone, Alan Opie, Richard van Allan
    Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 4. Ballads! Buy My Ballads, Pretty Ballads!
    Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 4. Ballads! Buy My Ballads, Pretty Ballads!
    Ralph Vaughan Williams, Alice Coote, Corydon Orchestra, Corydon Singers, Wynford Evans, Lynton Atkinson, Matthew Best, Paul Robinson, Jennifer Saunders
    Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 22. Are You Ready? Go!
    Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 22. Are You Ready? Go!
    Ralph Vaughan Williams, Matthew Best, Paul Robinson, Rebecca Evans, Karl Morgan Daymond, Bonaventura Bottone, Corydon Orchestra, Corydon Singers, Sarah Walker
    Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 5. As I Was A-Walking One Morning in Spring
    Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 5. As I Was A-Walking One Morning in Spring
    Ralph Vaughan Williams, Alice Coote, Corydon Orchestra, Corydon Singers, Wynford Evans, Paul Robinson, Rebecca Evans, Matthew Best
    Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 20. Down, Down with John the Butcher
    Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 20. Down, Down with John the Butcher
    Ralph Vaughan Williams, Alan Opie, Bonaventura Bottone, Corydon Orchestra, Corydon Singers, Richard van Allan, Matthew Best, Neil Jenkins, Paul Robinson, Karl Morgan Daymond


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