Image for Zheng Cao

Zheng Cao

    Popular Songs

    Some Times of Day: The Best Time of the Day
    Some Times of Day: The Best Time of the Day
    Jake Heggie, Zheng Cao, Dawn Harms, Emil Miland
    Some Times of Day: Simple
    Some Times of Day: Simple
    Jake Heggie, Zheng Cao, Dawn Harms, Emil Miland
    Some Times of Day: The Minuet
    Some Times of Day: The Minuet
    Jake Heggie, Zheng Cao, Dawn Harms, Emil Miland
    All Through the Night (Arr. G. Getty & L.P. Woolf for Voices, Choir & Ensemble)
    All Through the Night (Arr. G. Getty & L.P. Woolf for Voices, Choir & Ensemble)
    Gordon Getty, Luna Pearl Woolf, Michael Morgan, Lisa Delan, Frederica von Stade, Zheng Cao, Children's Choir of St. Martin de Porres School in West Oakland, Caterina Lichtenberg, Mike Marshall, Matt Haimovitz
    Das Mädchen und der Engel, Pt. 1: Chapter 1b, All Through the Night (Arr. G. Getty & L.P. Woolf for Voices, Choir & Ensemble)
    Das Mädchen und der Engel, Pt. 1: Chapter 1b, All Through the Night (Arr. G. Getty & L.P. Woolf for Voices, Choir & Ensemble)
    Gordon Getty, Traditional, Luna Pearl Woolf, Lisa Delan, Frederica von Stade, Zheng Cao, St. Martin de Porres School Children's Choir, Caterina Lichtenberg, Mike Marshall, Matt Haimovitz, Uccello, Michael Morgan