Image for Ian Tracey

Ian Tracey

    Popular Songs

    Stabat mater: VII. And The Mother Did Weep
    Stabat mater: VII. And The Mother Did Weep
    Karl Jenkins, Belinda Sykes, EMO Ensemble, Jody K. Jenkins, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Andrew Long, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir, Ian Tracey, Pasi Hyökki
    Stabat mater: X. Ave Verum
    Stabat mater: X. Ave Verum
    Karl Jenkins, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Andrew Long, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Chorus, Ian Tracey, Jurgita Adamonyte, Belinda Sykes, EMO Ensemble, Pasi Hyökki, Jody K. Jenkins
    Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord (Battle Hymn)
    Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord (Battle Hymn)
    Traditional, Massed Choirs From Merseyside, Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble, Liverpool Cathedral Choir, Ian Tracey, Ian Wells, Ian Tracey
    Stabat mater: V. Sancta Mater
    Stabat mater: V. Sancta Mater
    Karl Jenkins, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Andrew Long, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Chorus, Ian Tracey, Jurgita Adamonyte, Belinda Sykes, EMO Ensemble, Pasi Hyökki, Jody K. Jenkins
    Stabat mater: IV. Lament
    Stabat mater: IV. Lament
    Karl Jenkins, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Andrew Long, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Chorus, Ian Tracey, Jurgita Adamonyte, Belinda Sykes, EMO Ensemble, Pasi Hyökki, Jody K. Jenkins