Image for Percy C. Buck

Percy C. Buck

Sir Percy Carter Buck (25 March 1871 – 3 October 1947) was an English music educator, writer, organist, and composer.

Popular Songs

Psalm 18 "I Will Love Thee O Lord My Strength"
Psalm 18 "I Will Love Thee O Lord My Strength"
Percy C. Buck, Percy Hull, B. Jacob, Frederick Ouseley, Thomas Attwood Walmisley, Durham Cathedral Choir, Ian Shaw, James Lancelot, Ian Shaw
Psalm 89 "My Song Shall Be Alway of the Loving Kindness of the Lord"
Psalm 89 "My Song Shall Be Alway of the Loving Kindness of the Lord"
John Bertalot, Alwyn Surplice, Percy C. Buck, Wakefield Cathedral Choir, Simon Earl, Thomas Moore
Martins "Sing Alleluia Forth Ye Saints on High"
Martins "Sing Alleluia Forth Ye Saints on High"
Percy C. Buck, Sheffield Cathedral Choir, Peter Heginbotham, Neil Taylor
Psalm 89 "My Song Shall Be Alway of the Loving Kindness of the Lord"
Psalm 89 "My Song Shall Be Alway of the Loving Kindness of the Lord"
Percy C. Buck, John Bertalot, Alwyn Surplice, Wakefield Cathedral Choir, Simon Earl, Thomas Moore
Dulcis memoria "O Jesu, Saviour of Mankind"
Dulcis memoria "O Jesu, Saviour of Mankind"
Percy C. Buck, Truro Cathedral Choir, Christopher Gray, Andrew Nethsingha, Unknown Artist