Sophie Marin-Degor
Popular Songs
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: Duet and Chorus. "Fear no Danger to Ensue" (Belinda, Second Woman, Chorus)
Henry Purcell, William Christie, Choeur des Arts Florissants, Sophie Marin-Degor, Les Arts Florissants
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: Song and Chorus. "Shake the Cloud From off Your Brow" (Belinda, Chorus)
Henry Purcell, William Christie, Choeur des Arts Florissants, Sophie Marin-Degor, Les Arts Florissants
Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine, SV 206: Concerto. "Pulchra es"
Claudio Monteverdi, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Les Sacqueboutiers, Maryseult Wieczorek, Sophie Marin-Degor
Le coeur du moulin, Act II Scene 7: Ou vous en allez vous? (Marie, the Mother, the Villagers)
Déodat de Séverac, Jean-Sébastien Bou, Sophie Marin-Degor, Pierre-Yves Pruvot, Marie Therese Keller, Sabine Revoult d'Allonnes, Christophe Berry, Anna Destraël, Frederic Bourreau, Yvan Sautejeau, Tours Masters Opera Chorus, Tours Region Center Symphony Orchestra, Jean-Yves Ossonce
Le coeur du moulin, Act II Scene 6: Oh! Les souvenirs de mon enfance (Jacques, Old Christmas, the Fairy of the Rounds, the Beggar, the Fairy of Corn, 4 Childhood Memories, the Villagers)
Déodat de Séverac, Jean-Sébastien Bou, Sophie Marin-Degor, Pierre-Yves Pruvot, Marie Therese Keller, Sabine Revoult d'Allonnes, Christophe Berry, Anna Destraël, Frederic Bourreau, Yvan Sautejeau, Tours Masters Opera Chorus, Tours Region Center Symphony Orchestra, Jean-Yves Ossonce