Joseph Batten

    Popular Songs

    The Gondoliers, Act II: Dance a cachucha (Chorus)
    The Gondoliers, Act II: Dance a cachucha (Chorus)
    Arthur Sullivan, Appleton Moore, William Heseltine, George Baker, Dan Jones, Nellie Walker, Alice Lilley, Joan Cross, Sophie Rowlands, Columbia Light Opera Chorus, Columbia Light Opera Orchestra, Joseph Batten
    The Gondoliers, Act II: Here we Are, at risk of our lives (Chorus)
    The Gondoliers, Act II: Here we Are, at risk of our lives (Chorus)
    Arthur Sullivan, Appleton Moore, William Heseltine, George Baker, Dan Jones, Nellie Walker, Alice Lilley, Joan Cross, Sophie Rowlands, Columbia Light Opera Chorus, Columbia Light Opera Orchestra, Joseph Batten
    The Gondoliers, Act II: I am a courtier, grave and serious (Duke, Duchess, Casilda, Marco, Giuseppe)
    The Gondoliers, Act II: I am a courtier, grave and serious (Duke, Duchess, Casilda, Marco, Giuseppe)
    Arthur Sullivan, Appleton Moore, William Heseltine, George Baker, Dan Jones, Nellie Walker, Alice Lilley, Joan Cross, Sophie Rowlands, Columbia Light Opera Chorus, Columbia Light Opera Orchestra, Joseph Batten
    The Gondoliers, Act II: There lived a king (Don Alhambra)
    The Gondoliers, Act II: There lived a king (Don Alhambra)
    Arthur Sullivan, Appleton Moore, William Heseltine, George Baker, Dan Jones, Nellie Walker, Alice Lilley, Joan Cross, Sophie Rowlands, Columbia Light Opera Chorus, Columbia Light Opera Orchestra, Joseph Batten
    The Gondoliers, Act II: Take a pair of sparkling eyes (Marco)
    The Gondoliers, Act II: Take a pair of sparkling eyes (Marco)
    Arthur Sullivan, Appleton Moore, William Heseltine, George Baker, Dan Jones, Nellie Walker, Alice Lilley, Joan Cross, Sophie Rowlands, Columbia Light Opera Chorus, Columbia Light Opera Orchestra, Joseph Batten