Talia Or

    Popular Songs

    Game of the Antichrist: Christians and Babylonians Greet the Antichrist as Savior
    Game of the Antichrist: Christians and Babylonians Greet the Antichrist as Savior
    Robert Moran, Talia Or, Ensemble Chrismos, Andreas Gotz, Alexander Hermann
    Game of the Antichrist: Scene 3: Appearance of the Antichrist (Chorus, Tenor, Soprano)
    Game of the Antichrist: Scene 3: Appearance of the Antichrist (Chorus, Tenor, Soprano)
    Robert Moran, Talia Or, Dirk Michael Kirsch, Leander Kaiser, Andreas Gotz, Alexander Hermann
    Cantata for the death of Beethoven: Cantata sopra la morte di Beethoven (Cantata for the Death of Beethoven)
    Cantata for the death of Beethoven: Cantata sopra la morte di Beethoven (Cantata for the Death of Beethoven)
    Johann Simon Mayr, Talia Or, Altin Piriu, Nikolay Borchev, Franz Hauk, Simon Mayr Chorus, Georgische Kammerorchester Ingolstadt
    L'Armonia, Scene III: Finale. Trio with Chorus. Di bel contento l'etra risuoni (Let heaven resound with sweet contentment)
    L'Armonia, Scene III: Finale. Trio with Chorus. Di bel contento l'etra risuoni (Let heaven resound with sweet contentment)
    Johann Simon Mayr, Talia Or, Altin Piriu, Nikolay Borchev, Franz Hauk, Simon Mayr Chorus, Georgische Kammerorchester Ingolstadt
    L'Armonia, Scene III: Trio with Chorus. Chi del cielo la voce comprende (He who understands the voice of heaven) [Soprano, Bass, Chorus]
    L'Armonia, Scene III: Trio with Chorus. Chi del cielo la voce comprende (He who understands the voice of heaven) [Soprano, Bass, Chorus]
    Johann Simon Mayr, Talia Or, Altin Piriu, Nikolay Borchev, Franz Hauk, Simon Mayr Chorus, Georgische Kammerorchester Ingolstadt


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