Image for Royal Scottish National Orchestra & Junior Chorus

Royal Scottish National Orchestra & Junior Chorus

    The Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) (Scottish Gaelic: Orcastra Nàiseanta Rìoghail na h-Alba) is a Scottish orchestra, based in Glasgow. It is one of the five national performing arts companies of Scotland. Throughout its history, the Orchestra has played an important part in Scotland’s musi

    Popular Songs

    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: VI. Langsam. Ruhevoll. Empfunden
    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: VI. Langsam. Ruhevoll. Empfunden
    Gustav Mahler, Neeme Järvi, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra & Junior Chorus, Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus
    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: V. Lustig im Tempo und keck im Ausdruck
    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: V. Lustig im Tempo und keck im Ausdruck
    Gustav Mahler, Neeme Järvi, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra & Junior Chorus, Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus
    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: IV. Sehr langsam. Misterioso
    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: IV. Sehr langsam. Misterioso
    Gustav Mahler, Neeme Järvi, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra & Junior Chorus, Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus
    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: III. Comodo. Scherzando
    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: III. Comodo. Scherzando
    Gustav Mahler, Neeme Järvi, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra & Junior Chorus, Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus
    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: II. Tempo di Menuetto. Sehr mäßig
    Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, Part 2: II. Tempo di Menuetto. Sehr mäßig
    Gustav Mahler, Neeme Järvi, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra & Junior Chorus, Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus