Anthony Gatto

    Popular Songs

    The Making of Americans, Pt. 4 "History of a Family’s Progress" (Radio Opera Version): Some Are Not Believing
    The Making of Americans, Pt. 4 "History of a Family’s Progress" (Radio Opera Version): Some Are Not Believing
    Anthony Gatto, Pamela Stein, Rachel Calloway, Elizabeth Munn, David Echelard, Michael Mueller, Bradley Greenwald, JACK Quartet, Zeitgeist, Gertrude Stein, David Pinkard
    The Making of Americans, Pt. 4 "History of a Family’s Progress" (Radio Opera Version): Anyone Has Come to Be a Dead One, Anyone
    The Making of Americans, Pt. 4 "History of a Family’s Progress" (Radio Opera Version): Anyone Has Come to Be a Dead One, Anyone
    Anthony Gatto, Pamela Stein, Rachel Calloway, Elizabeth Munn, David Echelard, Michael Mueller, Bradley Greenwald, JACK Quartet, Zeitgeist, Gertrude Stein, David Pinkard
    The Making of Americans, Pt. 4 "History of a Family’s Progress" (Radio Opera Version): Family Living Can Go on Existing
    The Making of Americans, Pt. 4 "History of a Family’s Progress" (Radio Opera Version): Family Living Can Go on Existing
    Anthony Gatto, JACK Quartet, Zeitgeist, Gertrude Stein, David Pinkard
    The Making of Americans, Pt. 3 "The Funeral of David Hersland" (Radio Opera Version): He Was Not One Who Had Been One Fighting
    The Making of Americans, Pt. 3 "The Funeral of David Hersland" (Radio Opera Version): He Was Not One Who Had Been One Fighting
    Anthony Gatto, David Echelard, Pamela Stein, Rachel Calloway, Elizabeth Munn, Michael Mueller, Bradley Greenwald, JACK Quartet, Zeitgeist, David Pinkard
    The Making of Americans, Pt. 3 "The Funeral of David Hersland" (Radio Opera Version): Changing Is Existing
    The Making of Americans, Pt. 3 "The Funeral of David Hersland" (Radio Opera Version): Changing Is Existing
    Anthony Gatto, David Echelard, Pamela Stein, Rachel Calloway, Elizabeth Munn, Michael Mueller, Bradley Greenwald, JACK Quartet, Zeitgeist, David Pinkard