Rudolphhine Radil

Popular Songs

King Oedipus: Final Chorus and Coda
King Oedipus: Final Chorus and Coda
Harry Partch, Bruce Cook, Rudolphhine Radil, William Derrell, Elvena Green, Robert Hood, Allan Louw, Ian Zellick, Gregory Millar, Margaret Calhoun, Marjorie Sweazey, George Probert, Ellen Ohdner, Dante Zaro, Ute Miessner, Barbara Browning, Jane Van Rysselberghe, Darlene Mahnke, Patricia Carey, Angela Thorpe, Nancy Wiebenson, Sheila Bates, Elizabeth Brunswick, Jackie Fox
King Oedipus: Exit Oedipus - Pantomime
King Oedipus: Exit Oedipus - Pantomime
Harry Partch, Bruce Cook, Rudolphhine Radil, William Derrell, Elvena Green, Robert Hood, Allan Louw, Ian Zellick, Gregory Millar, Margaret Calhoun, Marjorie Sweazey, George Probert, Ellen Ohdner, Dante Zaro, Ute Miessner, Barbara Browning, Jane Van Rysselberghe, Darlene Mahnke, Patricia Carey, Angela Thorpe, Nancy Wiebenson, Sheila Bates, Elizabeth Brunswick, Jackie Fox
King Oedipus: Antiphony
King Oedipus: Antiphony
Harry Partch, Bruce Cook, Rudolphhine Radil, William Derrell, Elvena Green, Robert Hood, Allan Louw, Ian Zellick, Gregory Millar, Margaret Calhoun, Marjorie Sweazey, George Probert, Ellen Ohdner, Dante Zaro, Ute Miessner, Barbara Browning, Jane Van Rysselberghe, Darlene Mahnke, Patricia Carey, Angela Thorpe, Nancy Wiebenson, Sheila Bates, Elizabeth Brunswick, Jackie Fox
King Oedipus: Instrumental Commentary
King Oedipus: Instrumental Commentary
Harry Partch, Bruce Cook, Rudolphhine Radil, William Derrell, Elvena Green, Robert Hood, Allan Louw, Ian Zellick, Gregory Millar, Margaret Calhoun, Marjorie Sweazey, George Probert, Ellen Ohdner, Dante Zaro, Ute Miessner, Barbara Browning, Jane Van Rysselberghe, Darlene Mahnke, Patricia Carey, Angela Thorpe, Nancy Wiebenson, Sheila Bates, Elizabeth Brunswick, Jackie Fox
King Oedipus: Fifth Chorus
King Oedipus: Fifth Chorus
Harry Partch, Bruce Cook, Rudolphhine Radil, William Derrell, Elvena Green, Robert Hood, Allan Louw, Ian Zellick, Gregory Millar, Margaret Calhoun, Marjorie Sweazey, George Probert, Ellen Ohdner, Dante Zaro, Ute Miessner, Barbara Browning, Jane Van Rysselberghe, Darlene Mahnke, Patricia Carey, Angela Thorpe, Nancy Wiebenson, Sheila Bates, Elizabeth Brunswick, Jackie Fox