Samuel Sebastian Wesley
Popular Songs
Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace
Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Choir of St. John's College, Cambridge, Christopher Robinson
O Thou Who Camest from Above (Hereford)
Samuel Sebastian Wesley, The Choir Of Westminster Abbey, Robert Quinney, James O'Donnell
Who Can Express the Noble Acts of the Lord? From the Anthem “O Give Thanks Unto the Lord” - Words from the Psalm 106
Manuel Cardoso, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Paul Phoenix, The Boys of the St Paul's Cathedral Choir, Barry Rose
Praise the Lord, My Soul
Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Howard Thompson, Huw Williams, John Scott, St. Paul's Cathedral Choir
Wash Me Throughly From My Wickedness
Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Thisted Kirkes Drenge Mandskor, Preben Nørgaard Christensen
Hubert Parry, Jonathan Brown, Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Hughes, Sir David Willcocks, Herbert Howells, William P. Rowlands, The Choir Of Westminster Abbey, George Frideric Handel, John Goss, Alan Gray, Orlando Gibbons, William Croft, Christopher Robinson, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Henry Purcell, James O'Donnell, William Henry Monk, Jessie Seymour Irvine, Robert Quinney
Hubert Parry, Percy Whitlock, Orlando Gibbons, John Rutter, Edward Bairstow, Charles Villiers Stanford, John Stainer, Dobrinka Tabakova, John Goss, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, John Sheppard, Hubert Stanley Middleton, William McKie, St. Paul's Cathedral Choir, John Scott, Stanley Vann, Christopher Dearnley
Maurice Bevan, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, William Gardiner, Henry Purcell, Gordon Slater, William M. Runyan, James Leith Macbeth Bain, Walter Greatorex, Henry Walford Davies, Rupert Gough, Wells Cathedral Choir, Edward John Hopkins, Malcolm Archer, John Hughes, John Darwall, Charles Lockhart, Bernadette Farrell, Anthony Frogatt, William Henry Havergal, William Harold Ferguson, William P. Rowlands, Thomas Phillips, Charles Henry Purday, George Frideric Handel, Ralph Vaughan Williams
Robert Ashfield, Arthur Henry Mann, George Mursell Garrett, Jonathan Battishill, Christopher Dearnley, Henry John Gauntlett, Stanley Vann, George Macfarren, Peter Hurford, Barry Rose, Alan Gray, T. Tertius Noble, George Thalben-Ball, Joseph Corfe, Henry Walford Davies, Henry Thomas Smart, John Scott, Joseph Barnby, William Russell, Edward John Hopkins, Thomas Attwood, Thomas Attwood Walmisley, James Turle, Henry Stonex, William Bayley, Henry Lawes, William Boyce, John Harrison, St. Paul's Cathedral Choir, Henry George Ley, John Goss, Ralph Roseingrave, Christopher Gibbons, William Croft, Charles Frederick South, William Wolstenholme, George Martin, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Ivor Atkins, Charles Harford Lloyd, Thomas Tomkins, John Larkin Hopkins, Edward Elgar, Basil Harwood, Stephen Elvey, Charles Henry Wilton, George Robertson Sinclair, Hubert Parry, Edwin George Monk, John Davy, Michael Wise, George Job Elvey, George Arthur Scaife, Herbert Howells, William Henry Havergal, Charles Hylton Stewart, Andrew Carter, Edward Bairstow, Charles Villiers Stanford, John Stainer, John Foster, Martin Luther, Samuel Wesley, Robert Cooke
Hubert Parry, George Job Elvey, John Bacchus Dykes, John Stainer, Arthur Sullivan, Clement Cotterill Scholefield, Edwin George Monk, John Goss, Alexander Ewing, George Martin, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Henry Thomas Smart, Rupert Gough, Joseph Barnby, William Henry Monk, Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer, Herbert Stanley Oakeley, James William Elliott