Image for George Macfarren

George Macfarren

George Macfarren (1788–1843) was a playwright and the father of composer George Alexander Macfarren.

Popular Songs

Robin Hood, Act III Scene 4: Finale ultimo: We've made a slight mistake (Full company)
Robin Hood, Act III Scene 4: Finale ultimo: We've made a slight mistake (Full company)
George Macfarren, Nicky Spence, George Hulbert, Louis Hurst, Andrew Mackenzie-Wicks, John Molloy, Alex Knox, Kay Jordan, Magdalen Ashman, John Powell Singers, Victorian Opera Chorus, Victorian Opera Orchestra, Ronald Corp
Robin Hood, Act III Scene 4: Finale. Hark, to That doleful bell (Full company)
Robin Hood, Act III Scene 4: Finale. Hark, to That doleful bell (Full company)
George Macfarren, Nicky Spence, George Hulbert, Louis Hurst, Andrew Mackenzie-Wicks, John Molloy, Alex Knox, Kay Jordan, Magdalen Ashman, John Powell Singers, Victorian Opera Chorus, Victorian Opera Orchestra, Ronald Corp
Robin Hood, Act III Scene 3: Scena: Vain was the proud ambition (Robin, Marian, Chorus)
Robin Hood, Act III Scene 3: Scena: Vain was the proud ambition (Robin, Marian, Chorus)
George Macfarren, Nicky Spence, George Hulbert, Louis Hurst, Andrew Mackenzie-Wicks, John Molloy, Alex Knox, Kay Jordan, Magdalen Ashman, John Powell Singers, Victorian Opera Chorus, Victorian Opera Orchestra, Ronald Corp
Robin Hood, Act III Scene 2: Song. Sons of the greenwood (Marian, Greenwood men)
Robin Hood, Act III Scene 2: Song. Sons of the greenwood (Marian, Greenwood men)
George Macfarren, Nicky Spence, George Hulbert, Louis Hurst, Andrew Mackenzie-Wicks, John Molloy, Alex Knox, Kay Jordan, Magdalen Ashman, John Powell Singers, Victorian Opera Chorus, Victorian Opera Orchestra, Ronald Corp
Robin Hood, Act III Scene 2: Pt. Song. Now the sun has mounted (Citizens)
Robin Hood, Act III Scene 2: Pt. Song. Now the sun has mounted (Citizens)
George Macfarren, Nicky Spence, George Hulbert, Louis Hurst, Andrew Mackenzie-Wicks, John Molloy, Alex Knox, Kay Jordan, Magdalen Ashman, John Powell Singers, Victorian Opera Chorus, Victorian Opera Orchestra, Ronald Corp
