Image for Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra (MSO) is an American symphony orchestra based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The orchestra performs primarily at the Bradley Symphony Center in Allen-Bradley Hall. The orchestra also serves as the orchestra for Florentine Opera productions.

Popular Songs

Sister Carrie, Act II: I'd Like a Better Room with Private Heat (Live)
Sister Carrie, Act II: I'd Like a Better Room with Private Heat (Live)
Robert Aldridge, Keith Phares, Tim Rebers, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs
Sister Carrie, Act II: I Know You, Carrie (Live)
Sister Carrie, Act II: I Know You, Carrie (Live)
Robert Aldridge, Nathan Krueger, Adriana Zabala, Keith Phares, Stephen Cunningham, Florentine Opera Chorus, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs
Sister Carrie, Act II: If You Have Any Real Feeling, Hide It like a Treasure (Live)
Sister Carrie, Act II: If You Have Any Real Feeling, Hide It like a Treasure (Live)
Robert Aldridge, Adriana Zabala, Nathan Krueger, Keith Phares, Leroy Davis, Jim Gottfried, William Johnson, Florentine Opera Chorus, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs
Sister Carrie, Act II: Rise Up (Live)
Sister Carrie, Act II: Rise Up (Live)
Robert Aldridge, Leroy Davis, Thomas Leighton, Keith Phares, Florentine Opera Chorus, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs
Sister Carrie, Act II: Shiloh, Antietam (Live)
Sister Carrie, Act II: Shiloh, Antietam (Live)
Robert Aldridge, Stephen Cunningham, Leroy Davis, Keith Phares, Florentine Opera Chorus, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs
