Image for Stephen Cunningham

Stephen Cunningham

    Stephen W. Cunningham (July 29, 1886 – July 28, 1956) was the first graduate manager at the Southern Branch of the University of California, later UCLA, and a member of the Los Angeles City Council from 1933 to 1941.

    Popular Songs

    Sister Carrie, Act II: I Know You, Carrie (Live)
    Sister Carrie, Act II: I Know You, Carrie (Live)
    Robert Aldridge, Nathan Krueger, Adriana Zabala, Keith Phares, Stephen Cunningham, Florentine Opera Chorus, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs
    Sister Carrie, Act II: Shiloh, Antietam (Live)
    Sister Carrie, Act II: Shiloh, Antietam (Live)
    Robert Aldridge, Stephen Cunningham, Leroy Davis, Keith Phares, Florentine Opera Chorus, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs
    Sister Carrie, Act II: Must Be Getting on Ten (Live)
    Sister Carrie, Act II: Must Be Getting on Ten (Live)
    Robert Aldridge, Florentine Opera Chorus, Stephen Cunningham, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs
    Sister Carrie, Act II: I'm Really Quite Distracted (Live)
    Sister Carrie, Act II: I'm Really Quite Distracted (Live)
    Robert Aldridge, Stephen Cunningham, Keith Phares, Adriana Zabala, Florentine Opera Chorus, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs
    Sister Carrie, Act II: Ladies and Gentlemen (Live)
    Sister Carrie, Act II: Ladies and Gentlemen (Live)
    Robert Aldridge, John A. Stumpff, Alisa Suzanne Jordheim, Jim Gottfried, Stephen Cunningham, Adriana Zabala, Florentine Opera Chorus, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, William Boggs