Image for Maldwyn Davies

Maldwyn Davies

    Popular Songs

    Purcell: Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes, Z. 135
    Purcell: Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes, Z. 135
    Henry Purcell, John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists, John Tomlinson, Maldwyn Davies, The Monteverdi Choir
    The Immortal Hour, Act II: No. 15, In the Days of the Great Fires (Midir)
    The Immortal Hour, Act II: No. 15, In the Days of the Great Fires (Midir)
    Rutland Boughton, Maldwyn Davies, English Chamber Orchestra, Alan G. Melville
    The Immortal Hour, Act II: No. 14, Have Not Great Poets Sung (Midir, Eochaidh)
    The Immortal Hour, Act II: No. 14, Have Not Great Poets Sung (Midir, Eochaidh)
    Rutland Boughton, Alan G. Melville, David Wilson-Johnson, English Chamber Orchestra, Maldwyn Davies
    The Immortal Hour, Act II: No. 13, Fair Lord, My Thanks I Give (Eochaidh, Midir)
    The Immortal Hour, Act II: No. 13, Fair Lord, My Thanks I Give (Eochaidh, Midir)
    Rutland Boughton, David Wilson-Johnson, Alan G. Melville, Maldwyn Davies, English Chamber Orchestra
    The Immortal Hour, Act II: No. 11, I Am a King's First Son (Midir)
    The Immortal Hour, Act II: No. 11, I Am a King's First Son (Midir)
    Rutland Boughton, English Chamber Orchestra, Alan G. Melville, Maldwyn Davies