Image for Andreas Spering

Andreas Spering

Andreas Spering (born in 1966) is a German conductor and harpsichordist, who specializes in Early music. He is the younger brother of the conductor Christoph Spering.

Popular Songs

Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob. XXI:2: Part I: Die Himmel erzahlen die Ehre Gottes (The heavens are telling the glory of God)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob. XXI:2: Part I: Die Himmel erzahlen die Ehre Gottes (The heavens are telling the glory of God)
Joseph Haydn, Sunhae Im, Jan Kobow, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Max Ciolek, Christine Wehler, Cologne Vocal Ensemble, Capella Augustina, Andreas Spering
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob. XXI:2: Part I: In vollem Glanze steiget jetzt die Sonne (In splendour bright is rising now the sun)
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob. XXI:2: Part I: In vollem Glanze steiget jetzt die Sonne (In splendour bright is rising now the sun)
Joseph Haydn, Sunhae Im, Jan Kobow, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Max Ciolek, Christine Wehler, Cologne Vocal Ensemble, Capella Augustina, Andreas Spering
Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia, K. 582
Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia, K. 582
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sabine Meyer, Andreas Spering
Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia, K. 582
Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia, K. 582
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sabine Meyer, Andreas Spering
Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia, K. 582
Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia, K. 582
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sabine Meyer, Andreas Spering
