Image for Raimund Nolte

Raimund Nolte

    Popular Songs

    Péchés de vieillesse, Album français: No. 6, La nuit de Noël
    Péchés de vieillesse, Album français: No. 6, La nuit de Noël
    Gioachino Rossini, Raimund Nolte, Chorus Musicus, Christoph Spering, Elzbieta Kalvelage
    Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283, "Dettingen": Oh Lord, in Thee have I trusted
    Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283, "Dettingen": Oh Lord, in Thee have I trusted
    George Frideric Handel, Dorothee Fries, Cacilie Fuhs, Matthias Rexroth, Thomas Cooley, Raimund Nolte, Siegen Bach Choir Collegium, Hanoverian Court Orchestra, Ulrich Stötzel
    Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283, "Dettingen": Vouchsafe, oh Lord, to keep us this day without sin
    Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283, "Dettingen": Vouchsafe, oh Lord, to keep us this day without sin
    George Frideric Handel, Dorothee Fries, Cacilie Fuhs, Matthias Rexroth, Thomas Cooley, Raimund Nolte, Siegen Bach Choir Collegium, Hanoverian Court Orchestra, Ulrich Stötzel
    Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283, "Dettingen": Day by day we magnify Thee
    Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283, "Dettingen": Day by day we magnify Thee
    George Frideric Handel, Dorothee Fries, Cacilie Fuhs, Matthias Rexroth, Thomas Cooley, Raimund Nolte, Siegen Bach Choir Collegium, Hanoverian Court Orchestra, Ulrich Stötzel
    Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283, "Dettingen": Make them to be number'd with Thy Saints
    Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283, "Dettingen": Make them to be number'd with Thy Saints
    George Frideric Handel, Dorothee Fries, Cacilie Fuhs, Matthias Rexroth, Thomas Cooley, Raimund Nolte, Siegen Bach Choir Collegium, Hanoverian Court Orchestra, Ulrich Stötzel
