Scott Scully

Popular Songs

The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: And now I must go Bless you Madam, bless you
The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: And now I must go Bless you Madam, bless you
John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Christopher Maltman, Patricia Racette, Guangqun Yu, Joshua Guerrero, Scott Scully, Lucy Schaufer
The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: As summer brings a wistful breeze
The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: As summer brings a wistful breeze
John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Christopher Maltman, Patricia Racette, Kristin Sigmundsson, Scott Scully, Victoria Livengood
The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Damn that Figaro. He's your husband
The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Damn that Figaro. He's your husband
John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Christopher Maltman, Patricia Racette, Victoria Livengood, Scott Scully, Guangqun Yu, Joshua Guerrero
The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Wait!... Figaro was supposed to return the necklace
The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Wait!... Figaro was supposed to return the necklace
John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Christopher Maltman, Patricia Racette, Kristin Sigmundsson, Scott Scully, Victoria Livengood
The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Watch. Now Figaro comes back
The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Watch. Now Figaro comes back
John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Christopher Maltman, Patricia Racette, Kristin Sigmundsson, Guangqun Yu, Joshua Guerrero, Scott Scully