Los Angeles Opera

    Popular Songs

    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Come, Antonia
    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Come, Antonia
    John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Christopher Maltman, LA Opera Chorus
    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: No, Beaumarchais. It is as it should have been. Once there was a golden bird
    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: No, Beaumarchais. It is as it should have been. Once there was a golden bird
    John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Christopher Maltman, Patricia Racette
    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Goodbye, Figaro. Goodbye, Beaumarchais
    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Goodbye, Figaro. Goodbye, Beaumarchais
    John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Christopher Maltman, Patricia Racette
    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Look, her breathing is diminished
    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: Look, her breathing is diminished
    John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Lucy Schaufer, Lucas Meachem, Guangqun Yu, Joshua Guerrero, Brenton Ryan, Christopher Maltman
    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: We are finished Farewell, my faithful friend
    The Ghosts of Versailles, Act II: We are finished Farewell, my faithful friend
    John Corigliano, Los Angeles Opera, James Conlon, Lucy Schaufer, Lucas Meachem, Guangqun Yu, Joshua Guerrero, Brenton Ryan, Christopher Maltman