Image for Hazel Holt

Hazel Holt

    Hazel Holt (nee Young, 3 September 1928 – 23 November 2015) was a British novelist.
    She studied at King Edward VI High School for Girls in Birmingham, England, and then Newnham College, Cambridge. She went on to work at the International African Institute in London, where she became acquainted w

    Popular Songs

    The Water and the Fire: IV. The Easter Fire
    The Water and the Fire: IV. The Easter Fire
    Anthony Milner, Hazel Holt, John Elwes, Stephen Roberts, BBC Northern Singers, Manchester Grammar School Boys' Choir, BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Meredith Davies
    The Water and the Fire: III. The Waters by Night
    The Water and the Fire: III. The Waters by Night
    Anthony Milner, Hazel Holt, BBC Northern Singers, BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Meredith Davies
    The Water and the Fire: I. Descent into the Pit
    The Water and the Fire: I. Descent into the Pit
    Anthony Milner, Hazel Holt, John Elwes, BBC Northern Singers, BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Meredith Davies
    Singt, ihr lieben Christen all
    Singt, ihr lieben Christen all
    Michael Praetorius, Hazel Holt, Maureen Keetch, Schütz Choir of London, Sir Roger Norrington
    Noé, Noé! Pastores cantate domino
    Noé, Noé! Pastores cantate domino
    Guillaume Bouzignac, Hazel Holt, Schütz Choir of London, Sir Roger Norrington