Image for BBC Northern Singers

BBC Northern Singers

    Popular Songs

    The Water and the Fire: IV. The Easter Fire
    The Water and the Fire: IV. The Easter Fire
    Anthony Milner, Hazel Holt, John Elwes, Stephen Roberts, BBC Northern Singers, Manchester Grammar School Boys' Choir, BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Meredith Davies
    The Water and the Fire: III. The Waters by Night
    The Water and the Fire: III. The Waters by Night
    Anthony Milner, Hazel Holt, BBC Northern Singers, BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Meredith Davies
    The Water and the Fire: II. Encounter
    The Water and the Fire: II. Encounter
    Anthony Milner, John Elwes, Stephen Roberts, BBC Northern Singers, BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Meredith Davies
    The Water and the Fire: I. Descent into the Pit
    The Water and the Fire: I. Descent into the Pit
    Anthony Milner, Hazel Holt, John Elwes, BBC Northern Singers, BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Meredith Davies
    The Lodger, Act II: The Lodger Gropes His Way Out of the House
    The Lodger, Act II: The Lodger Gropes His Way Out of the House
    Phyllis Tate, Owen Brannigan, Marion Studholme, Alexander Young, Anthony Jacobs, BBC Northern Singers, BBC Northern Orchestra, Sir Charles Groves