Phyllis Tate

    Popular Songs

    The Lodger, Act II: Late Afternoon of the Following Day
    The Lodger, Act II: Late Afternoon of the Following Day
    Phyllis Tate, Owen Brannigan, Johanna Peters, Marion Studholme, Alexander Young, Anthony Jacobs, BBC Northern Orchestra, Sir Charles Groves
    The Lodger, Act II: Epilogue. When Did You Know Who He Was?
    The Lodger, Act II: Epilogue. When Did You Know Who He Was?
    Phyllis Tate, Owen Brannigan, Johanna Peters, Marion Studholme, Joseph Ward, Alexander Young, Anthony Jacobs, BBC Northern Orchestra, Sir Charles Groves
    The Lodger, Act II: The Lodger Gropes His Way Out of the House
    The Lodger, Act II: The Lodger Gropes His Way Out of the House
    Phyllis Tate, Owen Brannigan, Marion Studholme, Alexander Young, Anthony Jacobs, BBC Northern Singers, BBC Northern Orchestra, Sir Charles Groves
    The Lodger, Act II: Does Mum Know?
    The Lodger, Act II: Does Mum Know?
    Phyllis Tate, Owen Brannigan, Johanna Peters, Marion Studholme, Joseph Ward, Alexander Young, Anthony Jacobs, BBC Northern Orchestra, Sir Charles Groves
    The Lodger, Act II: Mr. Bunting... It's Something I Ought to Tell You
    The Lodger, Act II: Mr. Bunting... It's Something I Ought to Tell You
    Phyllis Tate, Owen Brannigan, Marion Studholme, Alexander Young, BBC Northern Orchestra, Sir Charles Groves